CTE Awareness Campaign #5, CTE Awareness Day Ads

Donation Goal For This Project is $20,000
57% Donated/$8,418 To Go
Donate Now

The Patrick Risha CTE Awareness Foundation thanks you for your support of the last four campaigns. Behind every life saved is your donation. We will be targeting, as our fifth campaign, social media advertising. Because of your current support we have had over 900,000 views of our last ad. Please help us reach more parents and make a difference because CTE is still not as well known as it should be, it is 100% preventable, and children need protected from harm and encouraged into safe sports.

We also still maintain our other advocacy and awareness programs Check These Out

Secured by PayPal

Pressing the Donate Button at the top of this page will open a small window where you can write in an amount to donate, and your contact information. It will then send you to a secure page on PayPal.com (you do not need a PayPal account, and you can use a credit card) through which you can complete your donation and it will be sent securely to our Foundation. The Patrick Risha CTE Awareness Foundation is a registered 501( c )( 3 ) not for profit organization, and your donation may be a tax deductible. We will provide you with a written acknowledgment of your donation. Thank you. 

If you would like to send a check or money order for your donation you can also do so in any amount made payable to The Patrick Risha CTE Awareness Foundation. Please send all mailed correspondence to:

The Patrick Risha CTE Awareness Foundation
3 Atkinson Dr, Doylestown, PA 18901

Thank you!