We are not doctors and we can never take the place of doctors. The information below is placed here as a resource for discussing different health options with your medical professional. Right now most doctors are treating the symptoms and trying cognitive and behavioral therapy.

Please beware that some of the sites below are promoting the sale of their products which we no in way endorse. If we link to their site it is for the educational discussion only. Please don’t get hooked into buying any of these products without talking to your doctor first. There may be a cheaper and healthier option. 

Most research we have seen makes the case that inflammation in the brain may speed up CTE and CTE causes inflammation, so it is a cyclical process. If symptoms are severe, your brain may be very inflamed. A healthy diet, exercise, and vitamins should help. Avoiding further head impacts is also key. It can take years for an inflamed brain to heal. The other suggestions listed below are pretty comprehensive on what is out there right now. We have heard positive and negative on most of them so read what is offered below with a discerning mind. 

Every brain and injury is different. Good luck on the road to wellness. A lot of researchers are working hard to help you. Hope is on the way. 

When planning a doctor visit please use this great tool to get the help you need.

Click Here to see the Healthcare Navigation Form

How to Control Inflammation with Your Brain:

Brain researchers are seeing a cyclical link between brain inflammation and CTE. Try to reduce the inflammation and maybe curb CTE:


Glaucoma Drug Reduces Tau Buildup in Neurodegeneration Model


Sildenafil (‘Viagra’) improves brain blood flow and could help to prevent dementia


N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) is a powerful anti-oxidant, may boost mood, lower anxiety, improve memory, and reduce compulsive behavior


Medical Marijuana May Help Manage Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Pain, And Even Slow Disease Progression:


Neurotransmitter Testing


The Best Supplements for Your Brain:


Folic Acid May Help with Suicidality

In the cohort that was prescribed folic acid over the 5-year period, there were 261 “suicidal events” (suicide attempts and intentional self-harm) specifically during times when folic acid was being taken. There were 895 such events recorded when folic acid was not being taken by the same individuals. When adjusted for various statistical factors, this worked out to a 44% lower rate of suicidal events while folic acid was being taken—in most cases, at the dosage of 1mg/day, which is typical and considered the “upper tolerable limit.”

Feed Your Head:


Beta-Blockers for Anxiety: Benefits, Side-Effects & Risks


Mushroom microdosing is gaining momentum:


Everyday People Fear They Have CTE A Dubious Market Has Sprung Up to Treat Them?



Dementia Symptoms Have Been Reversed in Mice



Franco Harris, NFL Hall of Fame Steeler, ate two pints of blueberries a day.


Vitamin D




Interesting…lithium treatment has been shown to ameliorate tau phosphorylation, microglial activation, neuronal death, amyloid beta formation, and neuroinflammation while preserving cognitive function and BBB integrity…

81 Awesome Mental Health Resources When You Can’t Afford a Therapist:


Exercise + Sleep = Recovery:

Drs. at the National Summit on Sports Concussions suggested 4 days a week of 120+ heart rate exercises for 20 minutes per day and a regimented sleep improved brain health


Psychedelic Drug May be Approved for PTSD Therapy:


Therapeutic benefits of a component of coffee in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease:


What Makes the Functional Neurological approach different than the standard approach to diagnosing and treating concussion?:


Vestibular Rehabilitation:


Power of Vitamin D :


Mindfulness :


Testosterone Levels and Brain Health:


This website offers many factsheets on dealing with brain injury symptoms:


The following information is from the Bart Foundation:

1. Introduction, Preliminaries and Caveats:

Please read our Disclaimer Page again before using this resource guide.  There are no definitive, uniformly accepted standards for persons claiming to offer alternative therapies.  In some states anyone can hang out a shingle, even without suitable training or credentials, and claim to be a craniosachral worker, neuro-feedback practitioner, nutritionist or other therapist.  To address this critical pitfall we have consulted acknowledged thought leaders in each field, followed their guidance, and presented lists of practitioners that are likely to be well qualified.

Even then there are no guarantees. One should seek a frank discussion with each prospective physician or therapist in order to explore their background.  How long have they been practicing their specialty?  What prior experience do they have in treating patients with brain injuries?  Can they offer references or testimonials?   Nothing is 100 percent effective, not even aspirin or acetaminophen.  With alternative therapies, as with mainstream approaches, there is always an element of chance, luck, randomness.  What works brilliantly for one survivor, may not work for another, and we may never know why.  All one can do is try one’s best, and hope to be lucky.


2. How can I locate practitioners in my area?

We are unable to make specific referrals – not only for liability reasons, but also because we don’t personally know most of the practitioners. Please review their information posted and then call prospects to inquire how they might help your personal condition.  Most physicians and therapists will let you know if they feel they can help, or will offer an alternate suggestion.

Craniosachral Therapy (CST)

We are not aware of any comprehensive listing of Craniosachral practitioners in the USA.  What we have been able to find thus far are partial listings, compiled by different organizations, each with an interest in CST.  These are no overarching requirements or certifications for CST practitioners – in many states anyone can claim to be a craniosachral worker, even without suitable training or credentials.  Here are two relatively safe and reliable ways to find a CST practitioner:

  • A physician who practices craniosachral therapy,(usually a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, a DO) or
  • Some practitioner with suitable credentials from The Upledger Institute – a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), nurse or other health care professional.

Accordingly, here are two lists, one from the Osteopathic Cranial Academy, and the second with candidates who have been credentialed by the Upledger institute, the premier School of CST.

The Osteopathic Cranial Academy: DO’s and Dentists who practice within the cranio field:

To find a physician:  http://cranialacademy.org/find-a-physician/

The American CranioSachral Therapy Association: Endorsed by the Upledger Institute

To find a practitioner:  http://www.iahp.com/pages/search/index.php#result


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT):

We are not aware of any comprehensive listing of HBOT facilities in the USA.  What we have been able to find thus far are partial listings, compiled by several different organizations, each with an interest in hyperbaric medicine.  Note that usually only free-standing independent HBOT clinics are willing to treat brain injuries or other neurological conditions off-label. Hospitals do not generally allow HBOT to be used for such conditions.  Most of the lists are searchable by location, or at least by State.

  • List of HBOT centers compiled by the Program in Integrative Medicine of the University of Colorado College of Medicine:


  • Hyperbaric Link: List of HBOT centers, mostly hospitals, but includes independent free-standing clinics that treat off-label neurological conditions.


  • treatnow.org: centers treating wounded warriors, veterans and others:


  • International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation:


  • International Hyperbarics Association, Inc.:


  • Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society:



We are not aware of any comprehensive listing of neurofeedback (NF) practitioners in the USA.  What we have been able to find thus far are partial listings, compiled by different organizations, each with an interest in neurofeedback.  There are no overarching requirements or certifications for practitioners – in many states anyone can claim to be a NF worker, whether or not one has suitable training and credentials.  Safest to do one’s own due diligence, including inquiring what experience, if any, the therapist has with brain injuries.

For Traditional neurofedback, there are a couple of good sources:

The EEG Education and Research:


The Biofeedback Certification Institute of America    http://certify.bcia.org/4dcgi/resctr/search.html

For LENS neurofeedback, the safest source is Ochs labs:


Omega-3 Fish Oils

These are widely available, but not of uniform quality. Dr. Michael Lewis, thought leader in this area of research, recommends only using fish oils that have been double distilled, and preferably reconstituted in their original triglyceride form. Here is a link to his site: http://www.brainhealtheducation.org/omega-3-protocol/

LED Light Therapy

The use of transcranial LED therapy, sometimes called Photobiomodulation, is an emerging approach to brain healing.  Like HBOT, there are already some FDA approved applications, but these do not include ABI.  There is a wide array of organization representing practitioners but we are not aware of any easy way to access lists of practitioners.  There are dozens of organizations devoted to study of light therapies worldwide including the North American Association of Laser Therapy, the International Academy of Laser Medicine and Surgery, and the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery.  Some of the notable journals covering this field include:  Photomedicine and Laser SurgeryLasers in Surgery and Medicine, and Lasers in Medical Science and Physiotherapy Practice and Research.

3. Cognitive Rehabilitation:

Cognitive rehabilitation: (These health professionals, generally neuro-psychologists or clinical psychologists, map the injury and devise individualized strategies to remediate/overcome functional deficits):

Center for Neuro Skills – Several locations in CA, and one in Dallas, TX
Kessler Institute – Saddle Brook, NJ
Mount Sinai Hospital Neuropsychology Dept. – NYC
Neuro Psychologic Rehab Services – Albany, NY
Rusk Institute of Rehab Medicine- NYC

4. Physicians and Therapists:

The following physicians and therapists advocate and practice alternative therapies, including HBOT, neurofeedback, neutraceutical supplementation (e.g. omega 3’s) craniosachral therapy, neurofeedback and other approaches.

Dr. Steven Best (Psychiatrist, Chicago, IL)
Dr. Philip DeFina (Neurologist – NJ)
Dr. Guiseppina Feingold (Pediatrician – Nyack, NY)
Dr. Paul Harch (Emergency Medicine and Hyperbaric/Diving Medicine – New Orleans)
Dr. Carol Henricks (Neurologist – Tucson, AZ)
Dr. Stephen Larsen (Psychologist neurofeedback – New Paltz, NY)
Dr. Michael Lewis (former US Army Colonel, DC area)
Dr. David Perlmutter (neurologist – Naples, FL)
Dr. Stephen Xenakis, (former US Army general, DC area)