The purpose of this document is to provide a useful form to help people potentially suffering from CTE (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy) or PCS (Post-concussion syndrome), and their caregiver, navigate a visit to their healthcare provider. The goal is to provide timely information, and to make that visit as productive and helpful as possible.
Open and print this form in order to be prepared to visit your doctors. Have a helper work with you to fill out the form completely. And if possible have that helper go with you on the appointment. We wish you much success in finding the care you need. If your doctor is not receptive to the information you provide it tells you a lot about the care you will receive. Don’t give up. The right doctor for you is out there.
We are not doctors or scientists. We are an awareness organization. The information we provide is based on our experience in this new frontier and is meant to serve as a tool to aid in seeking recovery.
Click Here to see the Healthcare Navigation Form
Please give this to your healthcare provider as well: