Oklahoma Drill Everything to Fear
When are we going to stand up and protect kids from a man’s sport? Very sad commentary http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/13348894/is-oklahoma-drill-just-rite-passage-everything-fear-football
My Fallen Star
Read about our efforts to spread awarenss of CTE at Patrick’s home field. http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/Op-Ed/2015/06/28/Patrick-Risha-was-a-Mon-Valley-football-phenomenon-for-which-he-paid-a-terrible-price/stories/201506280046
Time to take heading out of soccer for young children: http://www.sportslegacy.org/policy/safer-soccer/
An Athlete Felled by Concussions, Despite Playing a ‘Safer’ Sport
Sadly head trauma is not just in tackle football. Another CTE victim taken too soon. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/22/sports/an-athlete-felled-by-concussions-despite-playing-a-safer-sport.html
Why this Rookie gave up $1 Million in the NFL
Chris Borland and Dr. Ann McKee discuss CTE with CNN’s Amanpour. http://cnn.it/1eLy1Qn
School problems in children after concussions
And studies have certainly shown that a lack of energy, slower processing speed and impaired concentration can occur after concussions. http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/11/health/concussions-academic-problems/index.html
Is the NFL’s Big Bet on Making Football Safer Working?
From high school to the pros, players, coaches, and fans alike are much more aware that concussions are serious injuries requiring serious,... Read More
From The New York Times: A Son of Football Calls His Mother
Born into a football family in a football-first community, Patrick Risha became a star on the gridiron. But after he graduated from... Read More
Jack Miller: “I’m Ready to Walk Away”
Former Michigan starting center Jack Miller announced earlier this month he would not play his senior season and on Wednesday he told... Read More
Maybe football shouldn’t be played at all
If brain damage in an inevitable consequence, that’s something that people who play the sport should know. And if there’s a way... Read More